Add Rigour to your Modelling with Metamodels and Profiles.
We have been modelling for many years and know only too well the importance of gaining value from the modelling investment. We see models as machines that must perform work. The model stakeholders define their concerns and interests and the model must allow these to be visualised in a clear and compelling way.
We can assist in defining a metamodel in the form of a profile and assist with the creation of a Technology (extension) that will form the basis for powerful web based visualisations.
We are language experts and preserve the integrity of standard languages such as Archimate, Business Process Model and Notation while defining industry standard and organisation specific details.
We are committed to providing value to you and will work tirelessly to ensure that you deliver positive outcomes to your stakeholders. The following are some of the ways you will benefit from this service, Sparx Services experts can:
- Deliver ready built metamodels and profiles based on your industry and disciplines
- Provide metamodelling experience across a range of languages and standards
- Convert your existing models to be based on a generic or customer extended metamodel
- Provide a toolkit of patterns and model structures that can put your teams on the blocks
- Pass knowledge onto your teams based on our expert knowledge and years of experience
- Research and innovate ensuring that the metamodels result in productivity gains
We understand that sometimes getting consultants from outside can be disruptive to teams so that’s why have devised ways to ensure we add immediate value. The following describes the general way we work:
- Create robust, flexible and expressive industry specific meta-models
- Customer specific elements, connectors, diagrams and toolboxes
- Rigorous grammars and lexicons based on years of experience and training
- Ensure your models can be visualised in tools such as Prolaborate
- Integrated language meta-models including ArchiMate, UML, BPMN, SysML
- Programmatically convert your existing models to be based on the applied meta-models
- Based on your business and technology strategic and operational architectures
Virginia’s role as quality manager is to ensure that the enterprise models are of the highest quality as a number of the senior executives are now starting to rely on them for visualizations of the enterprise. She finds that a previous employee, who has subsequently left the organisation set up some properties on a number of key elements including Capabilities, Business Processes, and Applications. Unfortunately these have not been consistently applied and while some team members have some good ideas she wants it rectified once and for all.
She engages Sparx Services who quickly identify the problem and provide a well-formed and robust metamodel that incorporates, Archimate and BPMN elements. The team at Sparx also provide an add-in routine to convert the existing elements to the new metamodel. With some minor adjustments the visualization and dashboards provide some powerful insights that help the technology and business managers in strategic direction setting.
Sound good? Get in touch
Sparx Services helped us integrate our geospatial architecture with the main enterprise models allowing us to integrate at strategic and data levels.
We were able to revitalise our architecture office and get some real value by getting the repository setup correctly including a robust and pragmatic metamodel. The Sparx team also imported data from a range of other systems.
Sparx moved us from a spreadsheet based application catalogue and interface list to a robust repository that allows us to graphically visualise and analyse things like cost and value with Prolaborate.
The consultants at Sparx helped us simplify a very complex set of business processes by introducing us to the Decision Modeling Notation and removing complex gateways from our processes – the process diagram churn has stopped.
Some of the customers that have placed their trust in Sparx Services
Journey to the Cloud
Cloud computing has profound advantages but moving an enterprises infrastructure and applications to a cloud environment is not a trivial exercise. Setting up the Sparx Platform is not something that your engineers do every day so letting us setup the environments for you will deliver profound benefits.