Centralised and secured enterprise knowledge in our cloud, your cloud or on-premise
Allow your enterprise, business and technology information stored in your repositories to be securely accessed from anywhere on any device all powered by the Pro Cloud Server. This powerful middle-ware product can be accessed from Our Cloud, Your cloud including AWS and Azure or On Premise in your data centre.
Integrate modelled information with items from a variety of sources including User Stories from Jira, Wiki pages from Confluence, Documents from SharePoint, Configuration Items from ServiceNow and much more. Also write your own integrations using the powerful OSLC (REST) integration interface.
Desktop licences can be managed using the integrated licence server. The client side tools Prolaborate and WebEA also have a server based components which are used to generate the rich user experience.
Pro Cloud Server
The Pro Cloud Server is middle-ware that acts as a central and secure hub for interactions with the enterprise information stored in one or more repositories. Users working with tools such as Enterprise Architect desktop, WebEA or Prolaborate all get access to the repositories through the Pro Cloud Server. It also provides integrations to a wide range of other tools such as Jira, Confluence, Sharepoint, Service Now and more. Its features set grows with every version.

The Pro Cloud Server will become the central hub and access point to enterprise information and includes a range of enterprise features including:
- Secure end-to-end access to repositories
- Any number of distributed users
- Integrations with a range of external tools like Jira
- Access models from any device, anywhere in a browser
- Integrated licence server for floating licences
- View powerful knowledge visualizations
Professional services including consulting and facilitation, training and mentoring, guidance and support, setup and configuration and more available on request.
The integrations allow modelers using the Enterprise Architect desktop tool to import elements from other tools such as User Stories from Jira and link them to model elements including stakeholder requirements, strategic drivers and implementation artifacts such as components, test cases, database tables and more. Thus creating a rich tapestry of knowledge and joining the dots from a variety of otherwise disparate knowledge representations resulting in miraculous clarity and never-before seen views. There is a wide range of integrations available including:
- Jira
- Confluence
- SharePoint
- ServiceNow
- Team Foundation Server
- and many more
The integrations build a bridge to other teams and provide a conduit for discussions and collaboration with other disciplines creating unprecedented enterprise cohesion and productivity gains.
Explore, query, retrieve and update information in Enterprise Architect via the Rest Based application programmer interface (API) using the standards based Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) interface. The standard simplifies tool integration across the software delivery life-cycle.
- Exchange information between your model repository and other systems
- Secure and robust mechanism for interacting with repository content
- Based on OSLC/RDF using a commercial no cost third party licence
- Allows for creation, retrieval, update and deletion of artifacts
- Uses standard http commands such as Get and Post.
Use the extensive RESTful API to exchange information between your repository and other systems. Based on OSLC/RDF the expanded and efficient API provides a secure and robust mechanism for interacting with the information in the repository including: packages, elements, diagrams and connectors. Enterprise Architect acts as an OSLC Provider and supports the Architecture Management 2.0 specification of OSLC.
Global licencing can be managed using the floating licence server which is built into the Pro Cloud Server and allows any user to connect from their Enterprise Architect desktop client to this highly secure service. Floating licences allow the pooling of available licences thus effectively extending the number of occasional and frequent users to a much larger pool – users only acquiring a licence when required and relinquishing it when it is no longer needed. Some of the features include:
- Extends the effective pool of users
- Secured end to end by SSL
- Definition of the licence key lease period
- Configuration of licence groups and users
- Allows for remote offline workers
This powerful feature will reduces the time spent setting up and managing licences and will increase the value that an organisation gets from their licence spend. The distribution and access to licences can be configured to ensure that frequent users such as a chief architects can always have access to a licence. To take advantage of this facility named licences can be upgraded to floating licences at a small cost.
Prolaborate (Server)
The Prolaborate server side components are loaded on MS Internet Information Services (IIS). The cloud side components utilise the OSCL interface to connect to the Pro Cloud Server and exchange model content between the rich prolaborate user side interface. The prolaborate specific information such as dashboards, roadmaps and curated model content is stored in a tool specific database typically installed beside the Enterprise Architect databases.

Prolaborate allows enterprise information to be visualised and disseminated to audiences and includes a range of enterprise features including:
- Secure end-to-end access
- Access models from computers and tablets in a browser
- Requires MS IIS and ASP.Net
- Integration with SMTP Mail systems
- Integration with Single Sign On systems
- Any number of distributed users
- Tool driven Integrations with Jira, Confluence and more
Professional services including consulting and facilitation, training and mentoring, guidance and support, setup and configuration and more available on request.
The integrations allow modelers using the Enterprise Architect desktop tool to import elements from other tools such as User Stories from Jira and link them to model elements including stakeholder requirements, strategic drivers and implementation artifacts such as components, test cases, database tables and more. Thus creating a rich tapestry of knowledge and joining the dots from a variety of otherwise disparate knowledge representations resulting in miraculous clarity and never-before seen views.
There are a wide range of integrations available including:
- Confluence,
- Jira,
- SharePoint,
- and more.
The integrations build a bridge to other teams and provide a conduit for discussions and collaboration with other disciplines creating unprecedented enterprise cohesion and productivity gains.
Prolaborate has a powerful notification systems that can be used to invite users to sign up and to keep existing users informed about events in the software. Some of the features include:
- Integrates with any SMTP based mail system
- Supports encryption including Base64
- Send collaboration invitations to get model input
- Automatically send out notifications to users
- Server Identified by name (IP address) and Port
System implementers can choose not to setup the mailer subsystem but this will mean that users will not receive notifications and sign up messages and collaboration invitations cannot disseminated.
Prolaborate supports any SAML based single sign on identity provider. While in theory the feature will work with any provider the tested ones include:
- Azure Active Directory
- Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services
- Okta
- Mini Orange
- Oracle Identity Cloud Service
- IBM Security Access Manager
- Ping Identity
System implementers can easily set up these connections providing the Assertion Consumer URL, certificate files and credentials applicable to each identity provider.
Sound good? Get in touch
The Sparx team did our setup remotely and gave a simple set of instructions and all our staff were up and running quickly including the CEO and Business Line Managers, who use tablets.
We installed the software ourselves but got advice from Stephen about setup options and security – most helpful!
We thought about migrating all our data ourselves but Sparx were able to do it efficiently and effectively and was well inside our estimated budget.
Sparx Services helped us design our Amazon environments including advice about the best way to use load-balancers, subnets and gateways to ensure the Pro Cloud Server was Secure and available,
Some of our Customers
Journey to the Cloud
Cloud computing has profound advantages but moving an enterprises infrastructure and applications to a cloud environment is not a trivial exercise. Setting up the Sparx Platform is not something that your engineers do every day so letting us setup the environments for you will deliver profound benefits.